Rich Pfeiffer & Tim Frye
Categories:   Civic/Community   General   Academic  

Pfeiffer is best known as Coordinator of PRIDEChicago annual Pride Parade from the early 1970s through the present day. Other organizational involvement from the 1970s through 1980s included: the Chicago Gay Alliance; Gay Horizons ( now the Center on Halsted ) ; Gay Speakers Bureau; writer and columnist for Chicago Gay Crusader and GayLife newspapers; campus gay groups at Harold Washington College and the University of Illinois Chicago; and a gay couples networking group. Organizational involvement from the 1980s thru 1990s included: member of Mayor's Advisory Council on GLBT Issues under three different mayors. Pfeiffer, along with his life partner of 36 years, Timothy Frye ( together since 1971 ) , are long-time East Lakeview residents. They are contributors to the Center on Halsted; the Gay and Lesbian Hall of Fame; and GLAAD. Professionally, Richard has a real estate license and has also worked in management and sales.

Frye is a long-time involvement in PRIDEChicago from the early 1970's through the present day. He was an early member of the Chicago Gay Alliance; Gay Horizons ( now the Center on Halsted ) ; a gay advertising networking group; and a gay couples networking group. Timothy, along with his life partner of 36 years, Richard Pfeiffer ( together since 1971 ) , are long-time East Lakeview residents. They are contributors to the Center on Halsted; the Gay and Lesbian all of Fame; and GLAAD. Professionally, Frye has worked most of his life in the advertising field.

  Video Interview Date: 2007-07-21 Interviewer: Tracy Baim

See Also:
  Tim Frye
See Also:
  Rich Pfeiffer

Out and Proud in Chicago: An Overview of the City's Gay Community, the book is edited by Tracy Baim and features the contributions of more than 20 prominent historians and journalists. It is published by Surrey Books, an Agate imprint, and is hard cover, 224 pages, 4-color, with nearly 400 photos.
Click Here for more Information.
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