Caryn Berman & Laura Cuzzillo
Berman (left) and Cuzzillo have worked for decades on lesbian and AIDS issues.
Sam Bezanis
Bezanis has donated his design services to many gay, AIDS and mainstream civil-rights groups, including the ACLU.
David Blatt & David Moore
The work of partners in life and business Blatt and Moore has been critical to the survival of many of their clients with HIV and AIDS.
Phil Burgess & Jim Nutter
Nutter (left) and Burgess have been a couple since 1976; they donate and volunteer for a range of gay and AIDS groups.
Phil Burgess
Burgess donates and volunteers for a range of gay and AIDS groups.
Lori Cannon
Lori Cannon has been a long-time supporter of the GLBT community, especially in her pioneering AIDS activism and support services.
Robert Castillo
Castillo has been active for many years on a wide range of gay, AIDS and Latino issues.
Armand Cerbone
Cerbone has been an advocate and activist on GLBT mental and physical health issues for several decades.
Gary Chichester
Chichester has been a gay activist since the early 1970s, serving in vital leadership positions.
Michael Cook
Cook is former executive director of Howard Brown Health Center, and he has been active on gay legal and health issues for many years.
Terry Cosgrove
Cosgrove is an openly gay man heading one of the top organizations working in the U.S. for a women's right to choose, Personal PAC of Illinois.
Dr. Gladys Croom
Croom, Psy.D., has worked on gay and lesbian mental health issues for many years. She was also active in Yahimba and Literary Exchange.
Jan Dee & Janet Gutrich
Jan Dee (left) and Janet Gutrich have been partners since Dec. 17, 1994. They support LGBT and AIDS causes as individuals and through their businesses
Tim Drake
Long-time political activist Drake was the first openly gay candidate to win election in Illinois, as a 1980 John Anderson presidential delegate.
Jean Durkin & Paula Walowitz
Durkin (left) and Walowitz are partners, and were married in Canada soon after it became legal to do so. They are cultural activists.
Jean Durkin
Durkin works on the needs of women in the shelter community.
Ferd Eggan
Eggan was a long-time Chicago and Los Angeles AIDS activist. He died in 2007.
Sanford Gaylord
Gaylord is an actor, creative activist and writer based in Chicago. He was a co-founding member of A Real Read.
Tom Gertz
Gertz was active in the Mattachine Midwest chapter in the late 1960s and early 1970s.
Laura Goring
Laura Goring and partner Lawrence Goring work on lesbian healthcare and transgender issues.
Lawrence Goring & Laura Goring
Laura Goring and partner Lawrence Goring work on lesbian healthcare and transgender issues.
Lawrence Goring
Lawrence Goring and partner Laura Goring work on lesbian healthcare and transgender issues.
Debbie Gould
Debbie Gould participated in ACT UP/Chicago for 6 years and was a founding member of Queer to the Left.
Vernita Gray
Gray has been active on gay rights since the late 1960s. She has been part of a wide range of groups and works on anti-violence issues.
Bill Greaves
In 1995 Greaves was appointed to the City of Chicago Commission on Human Relations’ Advisory Council on LGBT Issues; in 2000 he became the Directo
Jessica Halem & Red Tremmel
Halem and Tremmel spent many years in Chicago working on a variety of LGBT causes, including cultural activism. They away moved for work in '08.
Jessica Halem
Halem is former executive director of the Lesbian Community Cancer (now Care) Project, and a standup comic. She is a long-time feminist.
Greg Harris
Harris was elected to the Illinois General Assembly in 2006. He is a long-time Chicago-based activist on gay and AIDS issues.
Ted Hoerl & Steve Scott
Both Hoerl (left) and Scott are active theater professionals in Chicago, with long ties to the gay community. They have been together since Nov. 1, 1
Ted Hoerl
Hoerl is an Actor-Director/ Adjunct Professor of Acting CCPA at Roosevelt University. In the 1980s he owned Opal Station, a popular gay bar.
Tonda Hughes
Hughes is a researcher looking at lesbian health issues, and is active on LGBT issues in Chicago.
Mark Ishaug
Ishaug is President/CEO of the AIDS Foundation of Chicago.
Cat Jefcoat & Bonnie Wade
Jefcoat (left) and Wade are a young power couple, both working for GLBT rights in community agencies.
Cat Jefcoat
Jefcoat works with the Lesbian Community Care Project, now housed within Howard Brown Health Center.
Chris Johnson
Christine Johnson is a co-founder of Metis Press, Publisher of Lesbian Feminist Literature, and a founding member of the national Women In Print netwo
Corinne Kawecki
Kawecki and partner Maureen Sweeney have been active in support of LGBT causes for many years, including with the Lesbian Community Cancer Project.
Bill Kelley
Kelley was among Chicago's longest-serving and most important gay activists, having worked since the 1960s to secure gay rights. He died in 2015.
Bruce Koff & Mitchell Channon
Long-time partners Koff and Channon have been active on both gay and Jewish issues for many years.
Bruce Koff
Bruce Koff, LCSW, has been a pioneering advocate for LGBT concerns in the fields of social service and mental health since 1977.
Danny Kopelson
Kopelson has been a key staff member and volunteer for numerous gay and AIDS organizations, including AIDS Foundation of Chicago.
Deb Lake & Terri Pease
Lake and Pease have been partners since Oct. 10, 1998. Lake is a minister and author, Pease is a domestic violence and trauma consultant.
Deb Lake
Rev. Lake is the executive director of Sankofa Way, creating new approaches to addressing oppression.
Nancy Lanoue
Lanoue co-founded the Womyn's Gym in the 1980s, later to become Thousand Waves. She co-founded the Lesbian Community Cancer Project.
Joe LaPat & Dick Uyvari
Uyvari (left) and La Pat are supporters of gay sports and community groups, as well as numerous AIDS causes.
Michael Leppen
Leppen is among Chicago's most important philanthropists, supporting a wide range of gay, AIDS and human-rights causes.
Marcia Lipetz
Lipetz has a long history of working on LGBT and AIDS causes, including as past executive director of AIDS Foundation of Chicago
Lynnell Long
Long is a writer, performer and poet who was part of A Real Reed and a columnist writing on intersex and gender-identity issues for BLACKlines newspap
Amy Maggio
Maggio has worked and volunteered for AIDS and gay organizations in Chicago since the 1980s.
Larry McKeon
McKeon had a long public service career, from serving as a police officer in Los Angeles, to being the state's first openly gay, HIV-positive rep.
Sid Mohn
Mohn, as president of the Heartland Alliance, has been a key part of work on behalf of people with AIDS and civil-rights for the LGBT community.
Sharon Mylrea
Mylrea is a former board member of Lesbian Community Cancer Project who supports gay political and health causes.
Jim Nutter
Nutter and partner Phil Burgess are a long-time couple supportive of various gay and health issues.
Susan O'Dell
O'Dell has been on the frontlines of counseling for the LGBT community since the 1970s.
Renae Ogletree
Ogletree has been active on a range of youth, LGBT, AIDS and other causes in Chicago since the 1980s.
Mary Patten & Debbie Gould
Gould (left) and Patten are long-time friends and activists.
Mary Patten
Mary Patten is a visual artist, videomaker, writer, educator, occasional curator, and long-time community/political activist.
Jim Pickett
Picket is an HIV-positive activist and athlete. He is director of public policy for the AIDS Foundation of Chicago.
Tony Rivera
Tony Alvarado Rivera was a very out teenager, winning awards for his pioneering activism. He continues to help youth now that he is out of school.
Raymond Rodgers
Rodgers is a deaf gay man who opened the first gay-deaf-owned interpreter service in the U.S, Deaf Communication By Innovation.
Julio Rodriguez & David Sinski
Rodriguez (left) and Sinski are long-time partners active on a variety of LGBT, AIDS and youth issues.
Julio Rodriguez
Rodriguez is a critical activist working on LGBT, AIDS, Latino and anti-violence issues, including as a founder of ALMA.
Victor Salvo
Salvo is a designer by trade, and an activist in his down time, having been a key part of Chicago's political and AIDS activism.
Starla Sholl & Deborah Burkhart
Sholl (left) and Burkhart support LGBT and women's organizations through volunteering and donations.
Starla Sholl
Sholl is a social worker in full-time private practice, with a large LGB clientelle. She has volunteered with several LGBT groups.
Max Smith
Max Smith has been a gay activist since the 1970s, including on media, health and political issues.
David Stienecker
David Stienecker was a critical 1960s and early 1970s Chicago activist who fought back against police harassment.
Lauren Sugerman
Sugerman is one of the co-founders of Chicago Women in Trades, a critical support for women entering non-traditional trades jobs.
Kevin Tindell
Tindell is a change management consultant and minister. He and his partner are raising two sons. Tindell is active in Black gay and spiritual groups.
Richard Turner
Turner has been active on local and national GLBT and AIDS issues for decades.
Dick Uyvari
Uyvari has been a critical part of the Chicago sports scene since the 1970s. He has also played a role in the national gay bowling movement. Died: 201
Tico Valle
Valle has been a volunteer and staff member of a range of gay and AIDS groups, and serves as executive director of the Center on Halsted.
Bonnie Wade
Wade works for the rights of GLBT youth in a variety of ways, including as a staff member of Teen Living.
Steve Wakefield
Wakefield spend many years in Chicago working for and heading up various gay and AIDS agencies.
Paula Walowitz
Walowitz is a performer, singing out lesbian music since the 1970s.
Vera Washington
Washington is an HIV/AIDS counselor, party promoter through Executive Sweet, and longtime worker on LGBT youth issues.
Kathleen Rose Winter
Winter was a writer, athlete and activist on LGBT band African-American issues.
Terri Worman
Terri Worman works on gay political and seniors issues.
Terri Worman & Paula Basta
Basta and partner Terri Worman work on gay political and seniors issues. Basta's involvement includes Equality Illinois.
Israel Wright
Israel Wright is a well-known photographer and long-time Chicago LGBT community activist.
Jose Zuniga
Zuniga was one of the first victims of 'don't ask, don't tell,' the military's gay ban.

Out and Proud in Chicago: An Overview of the City's Gay Community, the book is edited by Tracy Baim and features the contributions of more than 20 prominent historians and journalists. It is published by Surrey Books, an Agate imprint, and is hard cover, 224 pages, 4-color, with nearly 400 photos.
Click Here for more Information.
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