Out and Proud in Chicago:
An Overview of the City's Gay Community, the book is edited by Tracy Baim and features the contributions of more than 20 prominent historians and journalists. It is published by Surrey Books, an Agate imprint, and is hard cover, 224 pages, 4-color, with nearly 400 photos.
Click Here for more Information.
Chicagoans Lost to AIDS
Many more names have been added to this list since it was first published on May 30, 2001, along with Windy City Time's AIDS AT 20 cover story. All new submissions will be added to the as quickly as possible. Submit to inmemoriam@chicagogayhistory.com. Please include your name and contact information and at least one line of description of the person lost to AIDS. Although a list such as this could never be complete, this list is updated continuously based on news coverage and submissions from readers. When submitting a name, please e-mail or mail with a few facts about the person lost to AIDS and your own contact information. |
John Abbott |  | Paul Adams |  | Robert Adams |  | Billy Albiez |  | Ortez Alderson |  | Victor Alfonso |  | Ken Allen |  | Thomas Almada |  | Joe Alongi |  | Paul A. Anderson |  | Ron Anderson |  | Tandy Andrews |  | Barry Arkin |  | Albert "Alana Russell" Arteese |  | Ron Arunno |  | Joel Baer |  | James Balcazar |  | Ted Bales |  | Robert Barrett |  | Tim Barry |  | Michael Barto |  | Joe Bass |  | Stephen Bates |  | Robert Bearden |  | David Bell |  | Janet Bell |  | Jeff Bivona |  | Rodney Bledson |  | Ray Blevins |  | Bruce Bliss |  | Bruce Blumberg |  | Phillip Bondi |  | James Earl Bontrager |  | Burnell Bosserman |  | Dr. Allan Bouggad |  | Dick Bouvey |  | Lee Boyce |  | Allan "Baby Cheeks" Boyd |  | Bob Brady |  | Dr. Stephen Brahill |  | Paul Brawley |  | Wayne Buidens |  | Jon Byrne |  | Tom Byron |  | Darren Caffee |  | John Cain |  | Thom Callahan |  | Perdy Carr |  | Richard Cash |  | Rick Catahan |  | Samson Chan |  | Richard Chen |  | Michael Coakley |  | Jon Cockrell |  | Burt Cohen |  | Jerrold Cohen |  | Jeff Colby |  | Bobby Cook |  | Luis Corral |  | Chris Cothran |  | Jerry Crawford |  | Ronald C. Cropek |  | Charles Dathel |  | Rich Davis |  | Samuel F. Davis |  | Grace Diaz |  | Ingrid Delgado |  | Jim DeLacerda |  | Frank Dempsey |  | Dan DiLeo |  | Dan Don |  | Novella Dudley |  | Jennifer Duna |  | Eddie Dugan |  | Isaac DuPree |  | David Navarro Edmonds |  | Ralph Erhaes |  | David Evans |  | Faron Evans |  | Tom Feole |  | Steve Feinstin |  | Jeff Fields |  | Tom Fisher |  | Andy Flaksman |  | Joey Flor |  | Daniel Flora |  | Vincent Floridia |  | Tom Foale |  | Robert Ford |  | Bon Foster |  | Gene Freeman |  | Eric Freiheit |  | Nunzio Fresta |  | Bary Friedman |  | Donald S. Fromm |  | Dr. David Paul Frusti |  | Gabor |  | Cleveland Gates |  | Steve Gibson |  | Aaron Gold |  | Jay Goldberg |  | Frank Goley |  | Rodger Gonder |  | Larry Gowen |  | George Zigmund Grabiec |  | Paul Granata |  | Ida Greathouse |  | Jeff Green |  | Joe Gregg |  | Pat Griffin |  | John Gubrud |  | George "Dick" Guenther |  | Garth Guido |  | Tony Guilemi |  | James "Jimmy" Guth |  | Jerry Haislmaier |  | G. Daniel Hall |  | Bo Halley |  | Rich Halloran |  | John Hammell |  | Johnnie Hartman |  | Larry Hartman |  | Tony Hason |  | Charles M. Hathaway |  | Henderson |  | Will Henderson |  | Christopher Hickey |  | Mark Hieber |  | Brad Hilkin |  | Dr. Sam Hill |  | Duane Hoevet |  | Carroll Hoggard |  | Joseph Holmes |  | Bill Holt |  | Ralph Hosmer |  | Samuel Householder |  | Thom Hudson |  | Jack Hutchinson |  | Diana Hutton |  | Eddie Izzo |  | Steve Jackson |  | Bob Janatta |  | Dick Jeffies |  | Vera Jennings |  | Al Jensen |  | Christian John |  | Ray Johnson |  | Hank Jones |  | Christian Joppa |  | Patrick Joyce |  | Thomas Kach |  | Mike Kapec |  | Patrick Kasaras |  | DeJon Karlae |  | Michael Kaye |  | Frank Kellas |  | John Kent |  | Brian Jamie Kirkwood |  | Tony Kiser |  | Irwin Klein |  | Paster Paul Knutson-ELCA |  | Douglas A. Kohfeldt |  | Joe Kontoff |  | David Kouba |  | Warren Kraft |  | David Krumroy |  | Thomas C. Land |  | Ron "Rachel" Laney Jr. |  | Robert Lapointe |  | Brant Larson |  | Brian Lasser |  | Travis Lawhon |  | Eddie Layton |  | Billy Leveans |  | Scott Lidmon |  | David Lithgow |  | Alan Littoff |  | Charlene Lofton |  | Joseph Looby |  | Joseph R. Loverix |  | Gary Lucas |  | Bobby "Positive" Lutz |  | Bill Maggio |  | Peter Maneri |  | Kevin Manley |  | Michael Manthie |  | Jerome M. Manzardo |  | Alan Marn |  | Patrick Noel Martinez |  | Gerald Mast |  | Chip Mathews |  | Douglas John Matson |  | William McClain |  | Dr. Richard McDonald |  | Derrick McLaughlin |  | James Ozzie McMahon |  | Scott McPherson |  | Kevin Meagher |  | David Mealer |  | Drew Michaels |  | Kelly Michaels |  | Doug Millwood |  | Chicago Molly |  | Gary Monochir |  | Dennis Moore |  | Patrick "Tim" Timothy Moore |  | Rodney M. Morgan |  | Stephen James Muetterties |  | Michael P. Munoz |  | Jimmy Lee Murray |  | Mike Murphy |  | Grady Neely |  | Tom Neniskes |  | George Nessif |  | Andre Nosworthy |  | Charles "Chuck" O'Grady |  | Raymond O'Neill |  | Rick Oechsle |  | Carl Off |  | Michael Omega |  | Tom Orabutt |  | Don Orejudos |  | Chris Acie Pack |  | Glenda Pagan |  | Michael Pakis |  | Christopher Partlo |  | Tom Paroubek |  | Passionella |  | Bob Pelinski |  | Ken Peterson |  | William Peterson |  | Brian Philpot |  | Mark Pollock |  | David Poynton |  | Doug Pratt |  | Hugh V. Prince |  | Chuck Principe |  | Larry Dante Prospero |  | Tony Rago |  | Cecil Romano |  | Yvette Ramos |  | Rodolpho Rangel |  | Scott Rawls |  | Sean Reardon |  | Thomas S. Reese |  | Jon Reich |  | "Lady Catiria" Catiria Reyes |  | Lon Rice |  | Jeffrey Ritter |  | Billy Rizzo |  | Jon Rodgers |  | Thomas G. Rogers |  | Dr. John Rouse |  | William Rowe |  | Don Rubino |  | George Ruff |  | Johnathan Ryan |  | Dr. Ron Sable |  | Jay Savage |  | Gail Sacks |  | John Salewski |  | Daniel Sanchez |  | Bobby Lee Smith |  | Nelson Sanchez |  | Norma Michelle Sanders |  | Frank San Miguel |  | Dale Sapper |  | Bill Sawicki |  | John W. Schmid |  | Dean Schroeder |  | Dale Schubert |  | Randolph Scott |  | Bobby Shelton |  | Dr. Greg Shipman |  | Michael Simanowicz |  | Rock Simcina |  | Jeff Skidmore |  | Larry Sloan |  | James Monroe Smith |  | Maxwell Smith |  | Jerry Snell |  | Dan Snow |  | Bob Snyder |  | Dick Snyder |  | Carey South |  | Danny Sotomayor |  | Ralph Southerton |  | Tommy Sparks |  | Troy "Allen" Spitzer |  | Gregory Sprague |  | Dr. Robert K. Stark |  | Jim St. Clair |  | Lawrence Steger |  | Paul Stein |  | Paul Stensland |  | John Stillwell |  | Randy Storm |  | Tim Sullivan |  | Dixon Tabla |  | Mitchell Jay Taylor |  | Jim Thompson |  | Scotty Thompson |  | Michael Thurnherr |  | Mildred Tirado |  | Butch Toland |  | Allyn Toler |  | Louis Tondola |  | Randy Treff |  | Tom Triplett |  | Robert Tyler |  | Chris Urbanik |  | Greg Urbauev |  | Ussi |  | Russell G. Vaillancourt |  | Juan Valle |  | Ron Van Dyke |  | Mark Vanesco |  | Tony Venezia |  | Joe Vest |  | Harold "Buddy" Vogt |  | Orville "Butch" von Toland |  | Phil Ursich |  | Jim Vaughn |  | Juan Antonio Villa |  | David Wojnarowicz |  | Al Wardell |  | Bryan Whisenant |  | Duane White |  | Stephen White |  | Susan White |  | Eula Mae Williams |  | "Blue Feather" Charles Wilson |  | Leivery Van Williams |  | Jerry Wicks |  | John Wright |  | Joseph Zendell |  | Donald Ralph Ziebarth |  | Charley Zubazaretta |  |
Dozens of members of Chicago Gay Men's Chorus & Windy City Performing Arts, 1000s of other men, women and children in the Chicago region.