| | Miguel Ayala Ayala was co-founder of the Whitney Young Pride GSA, the first in the Chicago area, and active in Chicago youth causes and mainstream political campai | |
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| | Michael Bauer Bauer is a political activist on the local and national scene. | |
| | Bill Bergfalk Bergfalk has supported gay organizations since the 1970s as a volunteer and donor. | |
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| | Sam Bezanis Bezanis has donated his design services to many gay, AIDS and mainstream civil-rights groups, including the ACLU. | |
| | Patrick Bova Bova and partner Jim Darby have been together since 1963. They are activists working to overturn the military's gay ban, and support numerous gay caus | |
| | Phil Burgess & Jim Nutter Nutter (left) and Burgess have been a couple since 1976; they donate and volunteer for a range of gay and AIDS groups. | |
| | Phil Burgess Burgess donates and volunteers for a range of gay and AIDS groups. | |
| | Evette Cardona & Mona Noriega Noriega and Cardona are one of Chicago's power couples, active on a wide range of GLBT and Latina issues, including thru Amigas Latinas. | |
| | Evette Cardona Cardona is active in a wide range of GLBT and Latina issues.
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| | Robert Castillo & John Pennycuff Castillo and Pennycuff are partners in life and activism, seen at protests for Queer Nation, ACT UP, anti-violence, pro-marriage, and much more. | |
| | Robert Castillo Castillo has been active for many years on a wide range of gay, AIDS and Latino issues. | |
| | Susan Catania Catania served as a Republican state legislator and was among the first to back gay-rights protections. | |
| | Gary Chichester Chichester has been a gay activist since the early 1970s, serving in vital leadership positions. | |
| | Tom Chiola Chiola made history by becoming the first openly gay person elected to major office in Illinois, when he won a judge post in the mid 1990s. | |
| | Ann Christophersen Christophersen is co-founder of Women & Children First Bookstore and a critical volunteer and supporter of LGBT and feminist causes. | |
| | Terry Cosgrove Cosgrove is an openly gay man heading one of the top organizations working in the U.S. for a women's right to choose, Personal PAC of Illinois. | |
| | Susana Darwin Darwin is a legal activist fighting on women's choice and LGBT issues. | |
| | Andrew Deppe & Stephen Weiser Deppe and Weiser, partners since 1993, volunteer and support various LGBT and AIDS religious, sports and political causes. | |
| | Andrew Deppe Deppe has been a founder, staff member and volunteer for many important AIDS ad LGBT groups. | |
| | Karen Dixon Dixon is an attorney and political activist in Chicago. | |
| | Tim Drake Long-time political activist Drake was the first openly gay candidate to win election in Illinois, as a 1980 John Anderson presidential delegate. | |
| | Murray Edelman Edelman was an activist in Chicago in the late 1960s and early 1970s, including with the Chicago Gay Liberation movement. | |
| | Ferd Eggan Eggan was a long-time Chicago and Los Angeles AIDS activist. He died in 2007. | |
| | Hannah Frisch Frisch was active in University of Chicago Gay Liberation in the early '70s. She also attended meetings of Chicago Lesbian Liberation. | |
| | Vernita Gray Gray has been active on gay rights since the late 1960s. She has been part of a wide range of groups and works on anti-violence issues. | |
| | Bill Greaves In 1995 Greaves was appointed to the City of Chicago Commission on Human
Relations’ Advisory Council on LGBT
Issues; in 2000 he became the Directo | |
| | Roland Hansen & Bill Bergfalk Hansen (left) and Bergfalk have been partners since 1984, and both have supported gay organizations since the 1970s. | |
| | Roland Hansen Hansen's volunteer work has included Gerber/Hart Library, the American Library Association GLBT Round Table, Windy City Athletic Association, and more | |
| | Jean Hardisty Jean V. Hardisty, Ph.D., was a critical activist in Chicago in the 1970s and 1980s. She also founded Political Research Associates She died in 2015.. | |
| | Greg Harris Harris was elected to the Illinois General Assembly in 2006. He is a long-time Chicago-based activist on gay and AIDS issues. | |
| | Ted Hoerl Hoerl is an Actor-Director/ Adjunct Professor of Acting CCPA at Roosevelt University. In the 1980s he owned Opal Station, a popular gay bar. | |
| | Mark Ishaug Ishaug is President/CEO of the AIDS Foundation of Chicago.
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| | Art Johnston & Jose A. Pena Johnston and Pena are co-owners of Sidetrack bar, which has been much-honored for its contributions to GLBT and AIDS charities. | |
| | Art Johnston Johnston is co-owner of Sidetrack bar in Chicago, and a long-time activist on GLBT and AIDS issues. | |
| | Nancy Katz & Janine Denomme Katz and Denomme were partners and both active on lesbian and gay issues. Katz is an associate judge, Denomme was director of the Horizons Youth Progr | |
| | Nancy Katz Katz is an Associate Judge, Circuit Court of Cook County, sitting in Domestic Relations Division. | |
| | Bill Kelley & Chen Ooi Kelley and Ooi were long-time partners and activists. Kelley has been fighting for gay rights since the 1960s. Kelley died in 2015. | |
| | Bill Kelley Kelley was among Chicago's longest-serving and most important gay activists, having worked since the 1960s to secure gay rights. He died in 2015. | |
| | Julie Kruse Kruse is a former Illinois lobbyist on a range of women's, LGBT and progressive causes. She is now based in Washington, D.C. | |
| | Pat Logue Logue is an attorney with a long career working on LGBT and AIDS causes. She is now a judge. | |
| | Amy Maggio Maggio has worked and volunteered for AIDS and gay organizations in Chicago since the 1980s. | |
| | Larry McKeon McKeon had a long public service career, from serving as a police officer in Los Angeles, to being the state's first openly gay, HIV-positive rep.
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| | Deb Mell & Christin Baker Mell and Baker are active in gay-rights and political causes. Mell runs unchallenges for a state rep post in the 2008 general election. | |
| | Deb Mell Mell is expected to become the state's first openly lesbian representative the fall of 2008. She runs unchallenged in the election. | |
| | Jill Metz Metz has practiced law since 1978, with many gay clients. She has volunteered with numerous gay organizations. | |
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| | Carlos Mock Mock is a writer and activist, donating his time and money to many gay, AIDS and Latino causes. | |
| | Mary Morten Morten has worked on a diverse range of projects in the feminist and LGBT communities. | |
| | David Munar Munar is an executive with AIDS Foundation of Chicago and a long-time volunteer for gay and AIDS groups, including Association of Latin men in Action. | |
| | Sharon Mylrea Mylrea is a former board member of Lesbian Community Cancer Project who supports gay political and health causes. | |
| | Yasmin Nair Nair is an academic, activist and writer, and was a member of Queer to the Left. | |
| | Charlotte Newfeld Newfeld is an ally of the community, having support numerous gay-rights efforts and gay candidates for office.
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| | Mona Noriega Noriega has been active on GLBT and Latina political and cultural issues since the 1970s. | |
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| | Don Nowotny Don Nowotny is active on gay political issues. | |
| | Achy Obejas Obejas is the award-winning author of Days of Awe, Memory Mambo, and We Came all the Way from Cuba So You Could Dress Like This?. She was born in Hava | |
| | Renae Ogletree Ogletree has been active on a range of youth, LGBT, AIDS and other causes in Chicago since the 1980s. | |
| | John Pennycuff Pennycuff has been seen around town marching and protesting for a wide range of gay and AIDS issues. | |
| | Lisa Pickens Pickens is a co-founder of Affinity, a group for African-American lesbians, and is active on a variety of LGBT causes. | |
| | Jim Pickett Picket is an HIV-positive activist and athlete. He is director of public policy for the AIDS Foundation of Chicago. | |
| | Victor Salvo Salvo is a designer by trade, and an activist in his down time, having been a key part of Chicago's political and AIDS activism. | |
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| | Nan Schaffer Schaffer is a political activist and philanthropist in Chicago. | |
| | Patrick Sheahan Sheahean was president of the Center on Halsted's board during its critical campaign to build a new community center. | |
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| | Debra Shore Shore became the first open lesbian elected to countywide office in Illinois, as a commissioner for the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District. | |
| | Max Smith Max Smith has been a gay activist since the 1970s, including on media, health and political issues. | |
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| | Coco Soodek Soodek is a partner with the law firm Bryan Cave and has supported numerous gay and lesbian causes. | |
| | David Stienecker David Stienecker was a critical 1960s and early 1970s Chicago activist who fought back against police harassment. | |
| | Tom Tunney Tunney is Chicago's first openly gay alderman, and so much more. As a business owner he has given much to the GLBT and mainstream Chicago communities. | |
| | Steve Wakefield Wakefield spend many years in Chicago working for and heading up various gay and AIDS agencies. | |
| | Donna Weems Weems is a cultural and political activist and long-time Chicagoan who recently retired to Mexico. | |
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