| | Angel Abcede Abcede is founder of the School Street Art Movement "Sex Police," which educated about HIV and AIDS. | |
| | Carmen Abrego & MariBeth Welch Abrego and Welch live in Oak Park and support various LGBT causes. Abrego is a long-time Chicagoan also known for her poetry. | |
| | Carmen Abrego Abrego is a poet and Latina activist, and co-founder of the International Women's Day Dance. | |
| | Alicia Amador Amador and partner Norma Seledon support a range of Latina lesbian and other causes. | |
| | Tommy AvantGarde Avant Garde is part of the South Side "balls" social scene, active on educating Black gay youth on health and cultural issues. | |
| | Miguel Ayala Ayala was co-founder of the Whitney Young Pride GSA, the first in the Chicago area, and active in Chicago youth causes and mainstream political campai | |
| | Javier Barajas Barajas and his partner Kasey Reese are former Chicagoans active in numerous gay and Latino groups. | |
| | Lora Branch Lora Branch is a true renaissance woman, a DJ, an AIDS advocate, an activist and much more. | |
| | Robert Castillo & John Pennycuff Castillo and Pennycuff are partners in life and activism, seen at protests for Queer Nation, ACT UP, anti-violence, pro-marriage, and much more. | |
| | Robert Castillo Castillo has been active for many years on a wide range of gay, AIDS and Latino issues. | |
| | Dr. Gladys Croom Croom, Psy.D., has worked on gay and lesbian mental health issues for many years. She was also active in Yahimba and Literary Exchange. | |
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| | Teresa Dobbins Dobbins is active on a wide range of African American lesbian and spiritual issues. | |
| | Randy Duncan Duncan is a legend in the Chicago dance and choreography scene, known for his skills as well as his generosity. | |
| | Sanford Gaylord Gaylord is an actor, creative activist and writer based in Chicago. He was a co-founding member of A Real Read. | |
| | Mailik Gillani & Jamil Khoury Gillani and Khoury are co-founders of Silk Road Theatre, doing pioneering work on diversity issues in the gay and theater communities. | |
| | Mailik Gillani Gillani and partner Jamil Khoury are co-founders of Silk Road Theatre, doing pioneering work on diversity issues in the gay and theater communities. | |
| | Diane Gomez Gomez has been active in both the cultural and sports parts of Chicago's gay community. | |
| | Laura Goring Laura Goring and partner Lawrence Goring work on lesbian healthcare and transgender issues. | |
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| | Lawrence Goring Lawrence Goring and partner Laura Goring work on lesbian healthcare and transgender issues. | |