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Javier Barajas
Barajas and his partner Kasey Reese are former Chicagoans active in numerous gay and Latino groups.
Paula Basta
Basta and partner Terri Worman work on gay political and seniors issues.
Lois Bates
Lois Bates, a longtime transgender activist and community leader passed away Nov. 17, 2011 just three days before Transgender Day of Remembrance.
Michael Bauer & Roger Simon
Bauer and Simon are a long-time couple active in a variety of GLBT, AIDS, political and Jewish causes.
Michael Bauer
Bauer is a political activist on the local and national scene.
Jan Berger & Robin Hochstatter
Hochstatter (left) and Berger are supporters of various community groups and long-time participants in Chicago's LGBT sports leagues.
Jan Berger
Berger is a supporter of various community groups and a long-time participant in Chicago's LGBT sports leagues.
Bill Bergfalk
Bergfalk has supported gay organizations since the 1970s as a volunteer and donor.
Caryn Berman & Laura Cuzzillo
Berman (left) and Cuzzillo have worked for decades on lesbian and AIDS issues.
Sam Bezanis
Bezanis has donated his design services to many gay, AIDS and mainstream civil-rights groups, including the ACLU.
Alexandra Billings & Chrisanne Blankenship
Billings (left) and Blankenship are partners personally and professionally, both working on cultural issues.
Alexandra Billings
Alexandra Billings is a nationally known performer who transitioned from male to female and has performed in numerous theatrical roles, and on TV.
Chrisanne Blankenship
Chrisanne Blankenship (right) and Alex Billings and partners who both work on culture issues.
David Blatt & David Moore
The work of partners in life and business Blatt and Moore has been critical to the survival of many of their clients with HIV and AIDS.
Michelle Bonnarens
Bonnarens is a former Chicagoan now living in Germany. Her activism included fighting back against bigots at the University of Chicago in the 1980s.
Patrick Bova
Bova and partner Jim Darby have been together since 1963. They are activists working to overturn the military's gay ban, and support numerous gay caus
David Boyer
Boyer has been a fixture on the gay bar scene for decades, including at Carol's and Touche.
Kevin Boyer
Boyer has been a volunteer for Chicago gay groups since 1989, including with the Gay Games, Gerber/Hart Library and the gay chamber of commerce.
Wayne Bradley & Rick Peterson
Bradley (left) and Peterson are active on GLBT religious issues.
Wayne Bradley
Bradley and his partner Rick Peterson are active on GLBT religious issues.
Lora Branch
Lora Branch is a true renaissance woman, a DJ, an AIDS advocate, an activist and much more.
Linda Bubon & Ann Christophersen
Bubon (left) and Christophersen founded Women & Children First in the late 1970s and both have played critical roles in the LGBT and feminist communit
Linda Bubon
Bubob is co-founder and co-owner of Women & Children First Bookstore.
Phil Burgess & Jim Nutter
Nutter (left) and Burgess have been a couple since 1976; they donate and volunteer for a range of gay and AIDS groups.
Phil Burgess
Burgess donates and volunteers for a range of gay and AIDS groups.
Deborah Burkhart
Burkhart is an architect, and a principal in a women-owned architectural firm. She and partner Starla Sholl support numerous LGBT groups.
Robbin Burr & Lisa Loudin
Loudin (left) and Burr are partners who support LGBT organizations. Burr is former executive director of Center on Halsted.
Robbin Burr
Burr is former executive director of Center on Halsted, leading the agency during their drive for a community center building on Halsted.

Out and Proud in Chicago: An Overview of the City's Gay Community, the book is edited by Tracy Baim and features the contributions of more than 20 prominent historians and journalists. It is published by Surrey Books, an Agate imprint, and is hard cover, 224 pages, 4-color, with nearly 400 photos.
Click Here for more Information.
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