| | John D'Emilio D'Emilio is one of the top U.S. historians on the gay movement, with multiple articles and books on LGBT history. | | | | Jim Darby & Patrick Bova Bova (left) and Darby have been together since 1963. They are activists working to overturn the military's gay ban, and support numerous gay causes. | |
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| | Jim Darby Darby is a Navy veteran active in the fight to overturn the military's gay ban. | | | | Susana Darwin Darwin is a legal activist fighting on women's choice and LGBT issues. | |
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| | Jan Dee & Janet Gutrich Jan Dee (left) and Janet Gutrich have been partners since Dec. 17, 1994. They support LGBT and AIDS causes as individuals and through their businesses | | | | Greg Dell Dell is a strong ally of the gay community, risking his job as pastor of Broadway United Methodist Church to back gay unions. | |
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| | Janine M Denomme Denomme was director of the Horizons Youth Program at the Center on Halsted. | | | | Andrew Deppe & Stephen Weiser Deppe and Weiser, partners since 1993, volunteer and support various LGBT and AIDS religious, sports and political causes. | |
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