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John D'Emilio
D'Emilio is one of the top U.S. historians on the gay movement, with multiple articles and books on LGBT history.
Jim Darby & Patrick Bova
Bova (left) and Darby have been together since 1963. They are activists working to overturn the military's gay ban, and support numerous gay causes.
Jim Darby
Darby is a Navy veteran active in the fight to overturn the military's gay ban.
Susana Darwin
Darwin is a legal activist fighting on women's choice and LGBT issues.
Vanessa Davis
Davis is a musician, athlete and culture lover.
Jan Dee & Janet Gutrich
Jan Dee (left) and Janet Gutrich have been partners since Dec. 17, 1994. They support LGBT and AIDS causes as individuals and through their businesses
Greg Dell
Dell is a strong ally of the gay community, risking his job as pastor of Broadway United Methodist Church to back gay unions.
Janine M Denomme
Denomme was director of the Horizons Youth Program at the Center on Halsted.
Andrew Deppe & Stephen Weiser
Deppe and Weiser, partners since 1993, volunteer and support various LGBT and AIDS religious, sports and political causes.
Andrew Deppe
Deppe has been a founder, staff member and volunteer for many important AIDS ad LGBT groups.
Karen Dixon
Dixon is an attorney and political activist in Chicago.
Teresa Dobbins & Barbara Hyler
Partners Hyler (left) and Dobbins are active on African American lesbian and spiritual issues.
Teresa Dobbins
Dobbins is active on a wide range of African American lesbian and spiritual issues.
Tim Drake
Long-time political activist Drake was the first openly gay candidate to win election in Illinois, as a 1980 John Anderson presidential delegate.
Randy Duncan
Duncan is a legend in the Chicago dance and choreography scene, known for his skills as well as his generosity.
Jean Durkin & Paula Walowitz
Durkin (left) and Walowitz are partners, and were married in Canada soon after it became legal to do so. They are cultural activists.
Jean Durkin
Durkin works on the needs of women in the shelter community.

Out and Proud in Chicago: An Overview of the City's Gay Community, the book is edited by Tracy Baim and features the contributions of more than 20 prominent historians and journalists. It is published by Surrey Books, an Agate imprint, and is hard cover, 224 pages, 4-color, with nearly 400 photos.
Click Here for more Information.
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