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Yasmin Nair
Nair is an academic, activist and writer, and was a member of Queer to the Left.
Ifti Nasim
Nasim was born in Pakistan and has been active on gay Southeast Asian issues in Chicago.
Charlotte Newfeld
Newfeld is an ally of the community, having support numerous gay-rights efforts and gay candidates for office.
Mona Noriega
Noriega has been active on GLBT and Latina political and cultural issues since the 1970s.
Don Nowotny & Carl McDowell
Carl McDowell (left) and Don Nowotny are a long-time couple active on gay political issues.
Don Nowotny
Don Nowotny is active on gay political issues.
Jim Nutter
Nutter and partner Phil Burgess are a long-time couple supportive of various gay and health issues.

Out and Proud in Chicago: An Overview of the City's Gay Community, the book is edited by Tracy Baim and features the contributions of more than 20 prominent historians and journalists. It is published by Surrey Books, an Agate imprint, and is hard cover, 224 pages, 4-color, with nearly 400 photos.
Click Here for more Information.
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