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Nick Patricca
Patricca is professor emeritus of theater at Loyola University, playwright in residence at Victory Gardens Theater, and artistic associate at Bailiwic
Mary Patten & Debbie Gould
Gould (left) and Patten are long-time friends and activists.
Mary Patten
Mary Patten is a visual artist, videomaker, writer, educator, occasional curator, and long-time community/political activist.
Rick Paul
Paul is founder of Lionheart gay theatre, a pioneering company started in the late 1970s to produce gay works.
Terri Pease
Pease is a domestic violence and trauma consultant.
Jose A. Pena
Pena is co-owner and video director of Sidetrack bar. He is a video pioneer, and donates his time and energy to numerous causes.
John Pennycuff
Pennycuff has been seen around town marching and protesting for a wide range of gay and AIDS issues.
Rick Peterson
Rick Peterson and his partner Wayne Bradley are active on GLBT religious issues.
Sherry Pethers
Pethers was the first open lesbian to be elected judge in Illinois, in 2004 (previous ones had been appointed when they first became judges).
Rich Pfeiffer & Tim Frye
Pfeiffer (left) and Frye have been partners since 1971, working on a range of gay issues, including the Pride Parades.
Rich Pfeiffer
Pfeiffer is best known as Coordinator of PRIDEChicago annual Pride Parade from the early 1970s through the present day.
Lisa Pickens
Pickens is a co-founder of Affinity, a group for African-American lesbians, and is active on a variety of LGBT causes.
Jim Pickett
Picket is an HIV-positive activist and athlete. He is director of public policy for the AIDS Foundation of Chicago.
Rose Pohl & Judy Petrovsky
Pohl (left) and Petrovsky have been co-owners of The Closet bar on Broadway since the 1970s.
Nancy Poore & Chris Johnson
Poore (left) and Johnson were active in Chicago lesbian and print movements from the 1970s-1990s.
Nancy Poore
Poore co-founded Helaine Victoria Press in the 1970s and was active for decades on lesbians issues in Chicago.
Jerry Pritikin
Pritikin is an athlete and photographer who has documented the Chicago and San Francisco gay communities for several decades.

Out and Proud in Chicago: An Overview of the City's Gay Community, the book is edited by Tracy Baim and features the contributions of more than 20 prominent historians and journalists. It is published by Surrey Books, an Agate imprint, and is hard cover, 224 pages, 4-color, with nearly 400 photos.
Click Here for more Information.
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