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Peggy Garner
Garner is a former Chicagoan now living in San Francisco. During her time in Chicago, she volunteered with numerous groups.
Sanford Gaylord
Gaylord is an actor, creative activist and writer based in Chicago. He was a co-founding member of A Real Read.
Tom Gertz
Gertz was active in the Mattachine Midwest chapter in the late 1960s and early 1970s.
Mailik Gillani & Jamil Khoury
Gillani and Khoury are co-founders of Silk Road Theatre, doing pioneering work on diversity issues in the gay and theater communities.
Mailik Gillani
Gillani and partner Jamil Khoury are co-founders of Silk Road Theatre, doing pioneering work on diversity issues in the gay and theater communities.
Kathleen Gillespie
Gillespie and partner Deb Shore are active in a variety of gay organizations.
Diane Gomez
Gomez has been active in both the cultural and sports parts of Chicago's gay community.
Roger Goodman
Roger Goodman is a Stonewall Riot survivor, and has been an activist with the queer community for over 40 years.
Carole Goodwin
Goodwin is an Oak Park-based writer and she co-owned an important bookstore there for many years, Left Bank Bookstall. She is a long-time activist.
Carole Goodwin & Renee DeMar
Goodwin is a long-time Oak Park and Chicago author and activist. They have been together since June of 2000. See Goodwin's entry for her video intervi
Laura Goring
Laura Goring and partner Lawrence Goring work on lesbian healthcare and transgender issues.
Lawrence Goring & Laura Goring
Laura Goring and partner Lawrence Goring work on lesbian healthcare and transgender issues.
Lawrence Goring
Lawrence Goring and partner Laura Goring work on lesbian healthcare and transgender issues.
Debbie Gould
Debbie Gould participated in ACT UP/Chicago for 6 years and was a founding member of Queer to the Left.
Christopher Grace
Grace is a member of the ROTC gay group and a volunteer for numerous GLBT and AIDS charities.
Vernita Gray
Gray has been active on gay rights since the late 1960s. She has been part of a wide range of groups and works on anti-violence issues.
Bill Greaves
In 1995 Greaves was appointed to the City of Chicago Commission on Human Relations’ Advisory Council on LGBT Issues; in 2000 he became the Directo
Tina Grossman
Grossman has supported a wide range of LGBT causes for many years.

Out and Proud in Chicago: An Overview of the City's Gay Community, the book is edited by Tracy Baim and features the contributions of more than 20 prominent historians and journalists. It is published by Surrey Books, an Agate imprint, and is hard cover, 224 pages, 4-color, with nearly 400 photos.
Click Here for more Information.
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