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Nancy Katz & Janine Denomme
Katz and Denomme were partners and both active on lesbian and gay issues. Katz is an associate judge, Denomme was director of the Horizons Youth Progr
Nancy Katz
Katz is an Associate Judge, Circuit Court of Cook County, sitting in Domestic Relations Division.
Corinne Kawecki
Kawecki and partner Maureen Sweeney have been active in support of LGBT causes for many years, including with the Lesbian Community Cancer Project.
Irwin Keller
Keller was active on Chicago gay-rights in the 1980s while at the University of Chicago. He is now a member of The Kinsey Sicks dragapella quartet.
Marilyn Keller
Marilyn Keller has been a long-time part of the Chicago-area PFLAG movement. She and husband Jerry, parents of two gay children, founded PFLAG Glenvie
Bill Kelley & Chen Ooi
Kelley and Ooi were long-time partners and activists. Kelley has been fighting for gay rights since the 1960s. Kelley died in 2015.
Bill Kelley
Kelley was among Chicago's longest-serving and most important gay activists, having worked since the 1960s to secure gay rights. He died in 2015.
Jamil Khoury
Jamil Khoury and partner Malik Gillani are co-founders of Silk Road Theatre, doing pioneering work on diversity issues in the gay and theater communit
Richard Knight
Knight is a writer, musician, and all-around performer, working in and outside Chicago's gay community since the 1970s.
Bruce Koff & Mitchell Channon
Long-time partners Koff and Channon have been active on both gay and Jewish issues for many years.
Bruce Koff
Bruce Koff, LCSW, has been a pioneering advocate for LGBT concerns in the fields of social service and mental health since 1977.
Danny Kopelson
Kopelson has been a key staff member and volunteer for numerous gay and AIDS organizations, including AIDS Foundation of Chicago.
Eileen Kreutz
Before becoming active in the Chicago lesbian community, including as co-founder of critical groups, Kreutz was part of the peace movement.
Julie Kruse
Kruse is a former Illinois lobbyist on a range of women's, LGBT and progressive causes. She is now based in Washington, D.C.

Out and Proud in Chicago: An Overview of the City's Gay Community, the book is edited by Tracy Baim and features the contributions of more than 20 prominent historians and journalists. It is published by Surrey Books, an Agate imprint, and is hard cover, 224 pages, 4-color, with nearly 400 photos.
Click Here for more Information.
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