|  | Bonnie Wade Wade works for the rights of GLBT youth in a variety of ways, including as a staff member of Teen Living. |  |  |  | Ronald Wadley Wadley is involved in the Same Gender Loving Ministry at Trinity United Church of Christ.  |  |
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 |  | Steve Wakefield Wakefield spend many years in Chicago working for and heading up various gay and AIDS agencies. |  |  |  | Paula Walowitz Walowitz is a performer, singing out lesbian music since the 1970s. |  |
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 |  | Guy Warner Warner was the founder of the first support groups for parents and friends in Chicago, in the 1970s. |  |  |  | Vera Washington Washington is an HIV/AIDS counselor, party promoter through Executive Sweet, and longtime worker on LGBT youth issues. |  |
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 |  | Vera Washington & Pat McCombs McCombs and Washington have been business partners for more than 25 years, running Executive Sweet, parties for women. |  |  |  | Shelton Watson Watson has a long and varied activist background in Chicago, from mainstream gay groups to African-American gay organizations. |  |
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 |  | Christy Webber Webber is owner of owner of Christy Webber Landscapes, a top women-owned business in Chicago. She donates to numerous LGBT and political causes. |  |  |  | Donna Weems Weems is a cultural and political activist and long-time Chicagoan who recently retired to Mexico. |  |
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 |  | Stephen Weiser Weiser and partner Andrew Deppe have volunteered for and supported LGBT religious, sports and political causes for many years. |  |  |  | Yvonne Welbon Yvonne Welbon is an award-winning lesbian filmmaker.  |  |
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 |  | Honey West Honey West is an all-around entertainer who has contributed her services to numerous AIDS and GLBT charities. |  |  |  | |  |
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