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Bonnie Wade
Wade works for the rights of GLBT youth in a variety of ways, including as a staff member of Teen Living.
Ronald Wadley
Wadley is involved in the Same Gender Loving Ministry at Trinity United Church of Christ.
Steve Wakefield
Wakefield spend many years in Chicago working for and heading up various gay and AIDS agencies.
Paula Walowitz
Walowitz is a performer, singing out lesbian music since the 1970s.
Guy Warner
Warner was the founder of the first support groups for parents and friends in Chicago, in the 1970s.
Vera Washington
Washington is an HIV/AIDS counselor, party promoter through Executive Sweet, and longtime worker on LGBT youth issues.
Vera Washington & Pat McCombs
McCombs and Washington have been business partners for more than 25 years, running Executive Sweet, parties for women.
Shelton Watson
Watson has a long and varied activist background in Chicago, from mainstream gay groups to African-American gay organizations.
Christy Webber
Webber is owner of owner of Christy Webber Landscapes, a top women-owned business in Chicago. She donates to numerous LGBT and political causes.
Donna Weems
Weems is a cultural and political activist and long-time Chicagoan who recently retired to Mexico.
Stephen Weiser
Weiser and partner Andrew Deppe have volunteered for and supported LGBT religious, sports and political causes for many years.
Yvonne Welbon
Yvonne Welbon is an award-winning lesbian filmmaker.
MariBeth Welch
Welch works on charter school development.
Honey West
Honey West is an all-around entertainer who has contributed her services to numerous AIDS and GLBT charities.
Kathleen Rose Winter
Winter was a writer, athlete and activist on LGBT band African-American issues.
Rex Wockner
Wockner has reported news for the gay press since 1985. His work has appeared in 300+ gay publications in 38 countries.
Terri Worman
Terri Worman works on gay political and seniors issues.
Terri Worman & Paula Basta
Basta and partner Terri Worman work on gay political and seniors issues. Basta's involvement includes Equality Illinois.
Israel Wright
Israel Wright is a well-known photographer and long-time Chicago LGBT community activist.

Out and Proud in Chicago: An Overview of the City's Gay Community, the book is edited by Tracy Baim and features the contributions of more than 20 prominent historians and journalists. It is published by Surrey Books, an Agate imprint, and is hard cover, 224 pages, 4-color, with nearly 400 photos.
Click Here for more Information.
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