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Bill Rattan
Rattan is an artist and computer graphics person and a master gardener. He and partner Carlos Mock donate their time and money to gay and AIDS causes.
Kasey Reese
Reese and his partner Javier Barajas were critical parts of numerous Chicago gay groups when they lived here.
Chuck Renslow
Renslow is a critical contributor to a wide range of political, social, business, health and other causes. He is a pioneering leather activist.
Otis Richardson
Richardson is an artist, filmmaker, and activist with involvement in several key LGBT and African-American LGBT organizations.
Christine R. Riddiough
Riddiough was a critical feminist and lesbian activist in Chicago in the 1970s and 1980s; she now lives in D.C.
Tony Rivera
Tony Alvarado Rivera was a very out teenager, winning awards for his pioneering activism. He continues to help youth now that he is out of school.
Raymond Rodgers
Rodgers is a deaf gay man who opened the first gay-deaf-owned interpreter service in the U.S, Deaf Communication By Innovation.
Julio Rodriguez & David Sinski
Rodriguez (left) and Sinski are long-time partners active on a variety of LGBT, AIDS and youth issues.
Julio Rodriguez
Rodriguez is a critical activist working on LGBT, AIDS, Latino and anti-violence issues, including as a founder of ALMA.
Harriet Ross
Ross is an ally of the community, and a former dancer and manager of dance groups. She is a co-founder of the Dance for Life AIDS charity event.
Wanza Rowe
Rowe and her partner Jean ping have been partners since April 9, 1971.
Wanza Rowe & Jean Ping
Ping (left) and Rowe have been partners since April 9, 1971. They have supported lesbian social and service groups.

Out and Proud in Chicago: An Overview of the City's Gay Community, the book is edited by Tracy Baim and features the contributions of more than 20 prominent historians and journalists. It is published by Surrey Books, an Agate imprint, and is hard cover, 224 pages, 4-color, with nearly 400 photos.
Click Here for more Information.
Chicago Gay History
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